Profile PictureTorstenHQ

Torsten is passionate about media and technology. He is a serial media entrepreneur, an award-winning filmmaker and an investor in technology start-ups. He has published a book, produced several documentaries, spoken at the world's largest media events and has lived and worked on four continents. He is currently working on a feature documentary called FORTITUDE about the emerging NewSpace industry. His 2020 documentary "Cryptopia: Bitcoin, Blockchains and the Future of the Internet" has won 16 awards at international film festivals incl at an Academy Award qualifying event and is available on Amazon Prime, Netflix Europe and many large global TV broadcasters. His debut film about Bitcoin went viral in 2015 introduced the topic to mainstream audience when the price was below $300.


FORTITUDE - Forging The Trillion Dollar Space Economy


Bitcoin: The End Of Money As We Know It

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Crypto and Web3 Crash Course for Beginners

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#CryptopiaFilm: Bitcoin, Blockchains and the Future of the Internet
